Officially disappointed I bought an LG B4

We just bought a new home and upgraded our 65” Samsung Neo QLED to a 77” LG B4 (first LG TV) and boy was I excited.

The screen will not stop dimming. I have turned off every AI setting, energy saving and any other picture manipulating setting. I have reset the TV 10+ times. After a reset the TV will look nice for one viewing session and then it is at about 70% luminance thereafter. It is not viewable day or night because it looks like someone has taken a ND filter and put it over my screen. Whites are grey and luminance is low.

I haven never been more disappointed in a TV purchase. My recent 55” Samsung QLED was purchased for $350 at Costco and looks better than the 77” $1,600 turd on my living room wall.

I have posted a question trying to ask about this issue and did not get an answer that worked. To be clear I can watch the screen dim. When the picture completely changes (ie input or app change, or an entire new scene in a show) the screen will flicker to normal levels for a very brief time, maybe .1 - .2 seconds before going grey and dark again. My warranty is likely voided trying to solve the problem with the service menu. Waste of money and will not purchase another LG product.