Bisexual Women Treating Lesbians as Disposable Objects
As incoherent and unstructured as it may be, this is an attempt to put into words how I feel. It's an attempt to maybe make sense of things no matter how nonsensical it may be; an attempt to hold myself together and not fall apart.
I'm angry, I'm hurt, and I feel worthless. As much as I despise biphobia within the community, time and again bisexual women have shown me and other women how they'd end up choosing a man over a woman when push comes to shove. A woman I was dating casually currently but had developed real feelings for turned out to be cheating on her boyfriend (not just with me, but with more women too); things came to light and ofcourse she chose the guy eventually because love is also dictated by societal grace. It's not the first time either, this has been a pattern in my life. So fucking wonderful to know how easily replaceable I am in people's lives, and how I serve as a means to boost their egos and self worth. I'm a great source to seek attention and affection, but I'm also the temporary placeholder. Clear communication and being honest is too much for certain women, and when things take a turn for the worse due to their lies and manipulation, they will find a way to make things better for themselves; who cares about the ones who got crushed along the way. I do wonder if there's an invisible sign around my neck or on my head that shows people I'm only worth being used as an ego boost and then discarded for someone more socially acceptable.
Posting from an alternate account. Although I hope she does come across the post because she is very much active on this sub.
I can only hope that karma is real and she feels what I'm feeling in some way or form some day.
As cool and composed as I'm being on the outside, trying to laugh things off, internally I feel like my insides are being pulled apart and also numb simultaneously. None of the intoxicants are helping, I've only told one friend about the details and even that isn't helping. I'm actively fighting the thoughts of self harm even though the blade is in my hand; I'm telling myself this incident isn't worth relapsing after 5 years of being clean. Anyway, I'll end this for now.