[Online][5e][GMT] Frozen Sick (level 1-3, 3-4 games max)

Hi all

I'm free for the summer and I'm looking to run a short game following the Critical Role Exandria adventure Frozen Sick (it will not be set on Exandria and so Critical Role canon does not apply). This is a level 1-3 adventure and I expect it to take 3-4 games. I would like 5 players at the maximum.

Timezone: GMT/UTC

Time and date of first game: 13.30 26/07/2023

How: Discord voice chat, Roll20 for maps.

About you: make a level 1 character using official resources - no UA. MCDM or Critical Role content acceptable upon request. Calculate HP as per the handbook and add half - e.g. a wizard with 14 con would have 8+4 = 12 total.

Have a solid grasp of spoken English.

18+ - not a NSFW game but I want a mature and responsible game.

Available for similar times to the first game over the next 3-4 weeks.

DM me or reply below for a slot or any questions. This game would be suitable for beginners but familiarity with the system would be preferable.