schedule question for people who work food and guest service

how often do you see on your schedule it will say you're working guest service on an upcoming day, but when you clock in for that day, it's changed to food service. for me, it's 9 out of 10 times and I'm usually scheduled originally a few guest service shifts a month. while it is disappointing this happens repeatedly with no communication from leaders, it is what it is. I did reach out to HR and they said they should be letting me know when they do that to keep communication going and be more team oritented, but it doesn't happen, so it is what is. the worst part is when my guest service shift does go through for the day, I sometimes have to ask for help on something like trendar and I'm met with attitude responses like, "well you've been shown before and this is on going you keep asking," I'm ignored, or my personal favorite the dirty looks and the "well you just push that" and looking away to not actually help me. I am sorry I don't remember it completely even though I've done it probably 3 times this year, but when said asls/sl come into the kitchen and don't remember things repeatedly, it's ok and "funny" and they get no attitude for it.