Toss-n-wash is actually really easy.

I was initially hesitant to use the tosh-n-wash method because that's usually how I consume things like Nutmeg recreationally and that stuff's horrendous to down, but the fact that Kratom is usually such a fine powder makes it incredibly easy. I don't think I'm ever going to go back to capsules or mixing it into my coffee ever again.

The only downside is that if I take too much, I end up getting nauseous for some reason. DPH seems to help, but that just means I have more of my unhealthy vice in the home. I used to take ungodly amounts of Benadryl for fun.

Anyway, i just wanted to post something for potential newbies. It's really much easier than I thought I'd be, and it's much more effective. Id usually down over 20 g. in capsules and still feel like i need more. Now I can cross the line of "too much" with a single tablespoon.

Love you all, have a good day/evening/night/life!