So, Hanni's visa was a non-issue after all...
Ever since November, Hanni's visa has been a hot topic everywhere from reddit to twitter to tabloids wanting to make Hanni look bad. However, an administrative agency has now given Hanni a new visa to allow her to stay in Korea until the legal conflict is over. This happened the same day it was reported that Hanni refused to renew her visa with ador. This issue that had been yapped about for months is officially nothingness.
kpop stans making a big deal about non-issues is pretty common, but what I find unique about this situation is how so many people were so certain that they knew the situation better than Hanni. People were so sure that Hanni would either be deported for forced to renew her visa with ador.
before people maliciously misinterpret this, I am not pretending that NJZ are always correct about everything either or that BNZ have never had stupid opinions. I am just making this post as a reminder that sometimes people on reddit (which is pretty much 100% against NJZ) act wayy too confident relative to their amount of actual knowledge on a situation. this situation is more complex than everything that is against NJZ is 100% true while everything supporting them is 100% lies in complete confidence.
since I anticipate people will ask for a source, here is an article about the situation: