CALL Tim Burchett. DEMAND our congresspeople stand up for Tennesseeans.

Anyone with internet access knows things are insane right now.

Today specifically, however, a motion to subpoena Eln Msk to appear before the govt oversight committee to answer for his unlawful takeover of agencies across the government was blocked. Our own Tim Burchett voted to block that subpoena.

Regardless of party, we can all agree that Tim Burchett is NOT supporting us and the rest of his district by allowing a foreign-national tech billionaire with no security clearance who wasn’t elected for anything to keep engaging in this takeover. We are a city/district of students & working class families who will be directly harmed by continuation of this activity.

It’s time for Tim Burchett to start representing us. Take 5 minutes and CALL his offices. Express your concerns vehemently. Ask ChatGPT to write you a 30 second script. Make your voice count—even if you think it doesn’t for some reason, I promise it does.

EDIT TO ADD: dozens of people are responding to this with the sentiment that calling won't do anything because they don't care and nothing will change. If this is how every single moderately-right-leaning, moderate, or left-leaning constituent feels, of course they won't change. The only path to change [beyond voting them out] is to threaten their seats with loud and pervasive discontent as a community...