Nine months and three surgeries later…
Replacement on the right knee last June. Loud “double clunk” began several weeks after surgery. Diagnosed as metal hitting plastic. Knee components drifting apart as my leg swings.
Second surgery in October to put a thicker spacer in.
Clunking returned in days.
Second opinion called for by my surgeon. Other surgeon agreed that I needed different hardware.
Third surgery in December to replace the first knee with a more restrictive hardware designed specifically for revisions.
Clunking gone, but a very visceral grinding/flipping began shortly after surgery. Surgeon and physical therapist agree that it’s not the normal noisy knee after surgery. This is very loud, very tangible grinding and flipping of the soft tissue behind and outside my knee.
Range of motion is fantastic (140 degrees), strength coming back wonderfully. Surgeon says I’m a great rehabber - better than most.
This week, physical therapist felt what he says feels like a cyst behind my knee. Said it might not be, but he feels something.
Seeing the second opinion surgeon next week to follow up about that.
Other theories being discussed - scar tissue? Maybe three surgeries took a toll and I’ve got a ton of scar tissue in there grinding around.
Who knows?
I’m sick of it.