im so fucking done.

ima just fire everyone of these jokers and hire my chef friends.

even my dishwashers quit :/

I dont know what the fuck to do, pay is dumb competitive yet no hustle in the kitchen unlesss micro managed.I n my younger days (14-20)I raised restaurants out the gutter by brining my team together with nothing other than pure survival.Tn I had a kid kick my back door bc I had to cut hours to save labor only to return again 10min later all smiles. constant PDA, what ever Ive fucked my gf in the walk in but ill be damned if my manger saw me looking at her. I dont know they just dont have the fear I grew up with I dont want to be that mf I hated him taught me nothing but pain but I did learn from that idk im so fucking wasted rn im so done I cant just cut my arm off to save the body yet it would be a step in the right direction. today was the first day I consider just giving up and walking out the back door. I have never left a job unfinished, do u guys get the same exprinve in ur kitchen is just as fucked and im being a bitch or am I running kitchen nightmares finest death trap.

what ever see y'all at prep in the morning yeah ima be late and hungover stfu.