This is my first time playing Kingdom Hearts Final Mix… all I’ve got to say is, whoever designed the whole swinging on vines in Deep Jungle needs to be arrested EXPEDITIOUSLY !!

Am I the only one who finds this part very difficult? At first, it was easy for me to do, but then the thought of doing it hit me, and I just couldn’t do it anymore. Why can’t Sora simply catch the second vine without falling down??? It’s right there! Ugh, it’s amazing how something so simple can be so infuriating. By far the worst level for me, just because of that. Whoever designed this has to be a big-time sadist! I’m still stuck… trying to do it. If I can’t do it by 11 tonight, I’m calling it a day.

Am I the only one who finds this part very difficult? At first, it was easy for me to do, but then the thought of doing it hit me, and I just couldn’t do it anymore. Why can’t Sora simply catch the second vine without falling down??? It’s right there! Ugh, it’s amazing how something so simple can be so infuriating. By far the worst level for me, just because of that. Whoever designed this has to be a big-time sadist! I’m still stuck… trying to do it. If I can’t do it by 11 tonight, I’m calling it a day.