What random things can we connect to Kingdom Hearts?

My brothers and sisters in Kingdom Hearts, I have posted a couple of theories on here that many would deem to be the thoughts of a madman, but I am here to declare that is not the case. For I am a proud student of Squidward Community College, and as the great founder Mr. Tentacles once declared when he founded our great school, “Daring today, aren't we?”

It is my duty to explore beyond the boundaries the world has put in place, and as someone working to get a degree in biblical scholarship of Kingdom Hearts, I need your help. For even if the holy scriptures have been revealed to us in great detail with much to study and much to piece together, we are currently going through a dry spell as deciphering the codex for the next great entry is taking longer than expected. Thus, I have taken this time to study how Kingdom Hearts relates to our universe. Every aspect of the Earth on which we walk, every story man has ever told, every volume of knowledge collected over the years, all in an effort to piece together where we belong on the timeline of the scriptures, to unlock the secrets of the past, and discover how to best handle the future.

So today I ask of you, brothers and sisters, for I am simply one man taking on a mountain that stretches out into the heavens above. What is something that you have connected to Kingdom Hearts, whether it be a simple and clean connection or absurd and bordering on insanity?

My brothers and sisters in Kingdom Hearts, I have posted a couple of theories on here that many would deem to be the thoughts of a madman, but I am here to declare that is not the case. For I am a proud student of Squidward Community College, and as the great founder Mr. Tentacles once declared when he founded our great school, “Daring today, aren't we?”

It is my duty to explore beyond the boundaries the world has put in place, and as someone working to get a degree in biblical scholarship of Kingdom Hearts, I need your help. For even if the holy scriptures have been revealed to us in great detail with much to study and much to piece together, we are currently going through a dry spell as deciphering the codex for the next great entry is taking longer than expected. Thus, I have taken this time to study how Kingdom Hearts relates to our universe. Every aspect of the Earth on which we walk, every story man has ever told, every volume of knowledge collected over the years, all in an effort to piece together where we belong on the timeline of the scriptures, to unlock the secrets of the past, and discover how to best handle the future.

So today I ask of you, brothers and sisters, for I am simply one man taking on a mountain that stretches out into the heavens above. What is something that you have connected to Kingdom Hearts, whether it be a simple and clean connection or absurd and bordering on insanity?