Do I understand the timeline for Young Xehanort correctly?
The details are a little hard to wrap my head around so I just want to make sure I'm understanding all of this properly. I'll just get straight to my point and then questions. This is my understanding of YX's story so far:
MX separates himself into a heartless and nobody, the former becomes the Robed Figure (which then becomes Ansem SOD) who is capable of traveling through time due to lacking a body. MX did this to instruct his past self what to do and that he needed to go into the future to gather thirteen dark vessels for the Real Organization.
This past Xehanort who now has the power to time travel via the Robed Figure, first encounters Terra, Aqua, and Ventus in the LoD as the Mysterious Figure boss fight. Then at some points during the events of the story, he recruits the thirteen seekers of darkness. He recruits Ansem SOD from KH1, Riku Replica from COM, Xemnas from KH2, and Vanitas from BBS. Then at some point after KH2 when Luxord, Marluxia, and Larxene are recompleted, he recruits them as well and turns then back to nobodies. And finally, in the Recoded ending cutscene, he tells Braig that he wants to have Saix in the Organization.
After this, the events of DDD occur, and after successfully baiting Sora into being a vessel, MX returns and attempts to fill Sora's heart with darkness at Where Nothing Gathers. But then Axel thwarts the plan and the whole Organization appears to fade away.
After this, I start to get confused on what happens to YX and also the rest of the Organization. Here are my questions:
After failing to turn Sora into a vessel for Xehanort's heart, what exactly happens to the Organization here? They appear to be fading out the same way as when you defeat them in battle, but some sources say they simply escaped, while the "Kingdom Hearts Ultimania: The Story Before Kingdom Hearts III" states that all of the members returned to their proper times. Why is this the case? And does that mean Xehanort has to do the time travel stuff all over again if this was the case?
It seems to me that YX eventually returns to his original time. As explained in the story, when you return to your time, you don't have any memory of what happened while you time traveled, but the impact of the events you experienced are forever etched in your heart. I know for a fact that YX returns to his own time when he's defeated in KH3, but what happens here then? Does YX return to his time at two points in the story? The first one being after failing to turn Sora into a vessel, and the second being after his demise in KH3?
Also the KH fandom site (I know you should always be cautious when using info from these sites, which is why I am asking to clarify this) says that after the Robed Figure gave instructions to YX, he remained on Destiny Islands for 75 years. Is this actually true? I don't remember this being explained during the games (memory can be hazy).
Less relevant to the time travel stuff, but why did YX confront the Wayfinder Trio in the LoD anyway? There doesn't seem to be much of a reason here besides teasing a future villain like most secret bosses do.
I hope I worded these questions and clarifications clearly. I'm starting to realize YX is one of the only characters I sort of don't fully grasp in KH. I'd appreciate any help, thanks!