“How many reps are ‘good’ for _______?” (The TRUTH.)
A Clean + Press / Push Press Program
A “Snatch Only” Program
The “Ultimate” Kettlebell Program
One of the questions I routinely get from customers goes something like this:
“Hey Geoff, I’m doing XXXXX and I just hit 4 million reps in my latest workout. Is that good?
I read on the forum that some guys are doing 8 gajillion reps and I just want to know how I stack up…”
Now obviously, I’m exaggerating on the rep count, but you get my drift, right?
And that’s because typically (but not always), I prescribe reps and sets, but NOT total workloads.
I let the workout duration be the governor of the amount of work completed, like 30 minutes for example.
So you may see “sets of 5,” or “ladders of 1,2,3,” or something kind of similar.
In other words, I rarely program “5x5.”
The reason I do this is to accommodate for individual differences.
Differences in:
Strength levels
Training age and background
Injury history
Endurance levels
They all factor in to “how many reps is best” for YOU.
I have a background in Olympic Weightlifting and have generally poor “endurance.”
So, if you looked at the number of Clean + Press sets I performed doing a program like ‘THE GIANT,’ they’d be quite low - maybe as low as 40 reps in a 30 minute period, depending on the size of the KBs I was using.
Other guys post numbers like 100 reps of Clean + Presses in 30 minutes.
To me, that’s mind-blowing. But good for them!
So the only way you’ll know what’s “good” is to do three things:
1- Establish your RM for the particular program.
2- Run your first training session and record the total number of sets and reps in your training log.
3- Repeat #2 every training session and track the increase of total reps.
“Good” is when you see those total reps rise over the course of time - 4 weeks… 6 weeks… 8 weeks… whatever the program duration is.
And that’s because you’re only competing against yourself - no one else.
But if you need a goal - something to measure your strength against, why not use my “STRONG ENOUGH” Standards?
“How do you know if you’re ‘strong enough’?”
Hit these targets:
1- Double Clean + Press w/ 2x32kg for 10 sets of 5 in 20 minutes.
2- Double Front Squat w/ 2x32kg for 10 sets of 5 in 20 minutes.
3- Single KB Snatch w/ 32kg for 100 reps in 10 minutes.
Can’t hit them yet?
Look out of reach?
Maybe even impossible?
Now you have goals to work toward.
Simply break them down into smaller units and then hit those targets.
1- Use 2x16kg for the C+P and Front Squat, and 16kg for the Snatch.
2- Use 2x20kg for the C+P and Front Squat, and 20kg for the Snatch.
3- Use 2x24kg for the C+P and Front Squat, and 24kg for the Snatch.
4- Use 2x28kg for the C+P and Front Squat, and 28kg for the Snatch.
And as you focus on becoming “STRONG ENOUGH” you will *magically* -
[+] Get leaner (lose fat) and strip fat off your waist
[+] Become more muscular and fill out your t-shirt sleeves
[+] Improve your conditioning levels so climbing the stairs and playing with your kiddos is no longer a chore
[+] Increase your daily energy so you’re not hitting your 3rd cup of coffee at 2pm
[+] Reverse your diseases so you can lower the dosages of your meds or eliminate them altogether
And be proud of yourself once again.
Stay Strong,