Making Dua in Your Own Language During Salah: Is It Allowed?
I came across this post on FB and thought it would be helpful to share here and seek insights from those with knowledge regarding the following questions, especially regarding scholarly opinions or perspectives from different fiqhs:
Personal Dua in One's Mother Tongue During Salah: If someone finishes the recitations (Attihiyat, Durood-e-Ibrahim, and Dua) before the Imam, is it permissible to make a personal Dua in their own language (mother tongue) to ask Allah for something, until the Imam begins the Salam? Or should all Dua during Tashahhud strictly be in Arabic? Or it is not permissible at all to make any kind of personal dua here either in mother tongue or arabic?
Additional Dua in Sujood: It is recommended to say "Subhana Rabbiyal A'la" three times in Sujood. After completing this Tasbeeh, can one say something additional to Allah, such as a personal Dua, in their mother tongue? Or should anything said after the Tasbeeh also be in Arabic? Or it is not permissible at all to make any kind of personal dua here either in mother tongue or arabic? (Pls enlighten for both Farz and Sunnah nimaz)
I’d really appreciate any scholarly opinions or insights, especially those from different fiqh schools.
JazakAllah Khair!