Ronnie the juror
I know we’ve talked about this before and the legal issues surrounding the double jeopardy appeal. I wholeheartedly agree with the SJC and District Court opinion.
Today, I was listening to Ronnie’s interview with Court TV. At 8 minutes in, he starts talking about how when they realized they were deadlocked, some of the jurors discussed making findings on the 1st and 3rd charges but “the majority” only wanted verdicts if it was for all the charges.
This is SO important!! What this means is that there was no meeting of the minds re: acquittal unless there was a guilty finding on count 2 (for the “majority” or “guilty” voters). There was discussion about making a finding on 1 and 3 but the majority said no.
Therefore, there was no agreement for acquittal. It was a compromise the guilty voters were willing to make, but not unless they got a guilty on count 2.