Happy with the Culture of this Community
If one needed any more reason to believe that Karen Read is guilty, one need only compare the cultures prevailing on the various subreddits. I've taken to monitoring the FKR board r/JusticeforKarenRead a bit more closely that I had been and all I can say is: wow. All you really need to do is to observe the aesthetics of the posts. For example, here we don't have posts that look like this:
Forget the content, more like a ransom note than a take worthy of response. The insistence of the haphazard capitalization, the exclamation points for emphasis, these are the tell-tale signs that it is not the product of an organized and logical mind.
Once we try to read it, we see that it is neither a question nor a comment providing analysis nor information, but a statement seeking affirmation. Like, "can I get an 'Amen'?" All that is left for the person responding is to affirm the emotions expressed. Which they do, in grand fashion and as reliably as Pavlov's dogs.
I am particularly proud of the fact that our community has not been infested by the need to make belittling nicknames for everyone on the other side. "Bias Bev" and the other monikers (I suppose they mostly come from the mind of Turtleboy) are truly an embarrassment. We don't need to do that stuff, the intent of which is to dehumanize the other side, because we have the law and the facts on our side.