Rewatching Dragon Knight...
I liked it a lot, although I feel that it declined after it declined after Chris was vented and Kit got revenge (after Chapter 21) in my opinion the first part of the series is the best of it, especially chapters 10 to 20, the second part is ok ... but I feel that it has some criticizable things, first, the character of Kase / Siren is somewhat unpleasant at the beginning by prejudging Kit without knowing everything he had to go through (the poor thing was already bad because of Chris and his father), not to mention that the fight they had made Kit look somewhat incompetent and Kase hateful by damaging her self-esteem, despite the fact that in 2 previous chapters she had defeated 3 Riders at the same time, another thing is that the characters' abilities are inconsistent, that is, Kit defeated 3 Riders alone, but cannot against Strike and Len base could defeat Xaviax Wrath despite the fact that in later chapters both Kit and Len fighting in survive mode They couldn't do much about the Advent Masters and the script conveniences, because the truth is that looking back, it's not that incoherent, since when Kit mentions to Len that his father is drained of his energy, Len says "there was someone who could have helped but he left" referring to Eubulon, there was also the question of why the Riders were vented or who created the Riders? So the appearance of Eubulon, although convenient, serves to explain several things, another negative thing that I see is that in the ending it is said that Eubulon erased the Riders' memories from the Earth, but they never specified some things, for example, are JTC, Drew and the Cho brothers in prison? Because they were criminals and another thing that leaves me very puzzled, did they erase Chris's memory too? Because unlike the other Riders, he fought for the land and was on the side of Len and Kit, not to mention that he forged a great friendship with them, so there was no reason to erase his memory, since many of the advice from Len and Kit could help him while he was with the Marines.