The Kardashians | Season 6 – Episode 1

In Malibu, Kim is enjoying her $70m mansion which she mortgaged through a bank because rich people don't stay rich by spending their own money. The whole family is there (no Kylie, obviously) to shoot an opening sequence for the show we're watching right now because they only really spend time together if they're getting paid. Kris says she's sad that Kylie couldn't be there because she's "working in New York" which could be code for 'getting more surgery' or 'sitting on Timmy's face until she smothers him with her over-inflated ass' ... or both. Kim is going to the White House for her prison reform work, then doing something for Skims, then shooting her new Ryan Murphy show so we're basically getting a repeat of her season five storylines. Kris casually drops that Erik Menendez used to come over to play tennis with Robert Kardashian Sr. ... which links their father to yet another high-profile 1990s homicide investigation. Kim intimates that she's dating someone and won't be drawn on who it is but unless it's Kyle Menendez then no-one cares. Kourtney reveals that she spent her birthday in the Bahamas with her family (i.e. her husband and kids and not her sisters) and is filling her days with taking the baby for a walk and ... very little else. Khloé is turning forty and her goals for this decade are finding a man and starting a podcast (not necessarily in that order).


In LA, Khloé is heading to Malika's house. Malika is done with dating and just wants to get married and also wants to go on a road trip with Khloé so they're going to hit the streets together to find some mans. Malika reveals that she did already find one man: Lamar. She ran into him at the Super Bowl and wants to run into him with her car sit him down and ask him what his life is like now. Khloé hasn't seen him since she decided not to switch off his life support machine in 2016 but she still has some of his stuff at her house because she doesn't trust his friends (or FedEx) to pass it along to him.


At an IHOP in the Valley, Kris, Khloé, Kim and some of Kourtney's friends / staff members arrive for a belated birthday breakfast for Kourtney. Once again, Kim is destroying her hair and body for the Met Gala so she is wearing a wig and refusing to eat anything. (I can't even remember what she wore in 2024 so it wasn't worth it.) Kourtney has the birthday ambitions of a fifteen-year-old girl -- take her baby to DisneyLand and stop saying 'like' so much.


Kim arrives at Kris's house in her cybertruck to talk to Khloé about talking to Lamar. But first, she's been asked to roast another athlete who didn't know when to stop -- Tom Brady. You'll remember that there were rumors about them dating at this time but that is not addressed. There's some agent drama -- Kim and Khloé accuse Kris stealing their agent and manipulating them by surreptitiously whispering her ideas in their agent's ear -- but it's boring. Khloé did end up signing an exclusive deal with X, though (hence the cybertruck).


In Washington, DC, Kim is meeting with Kamala Harris (RIP) but her wig won't lay down and her boobs won't stay in her bra. After she strips down in heavy traffic, she meets with former convicts to discuss giving them small business loans to get the back on their feet. She stops to take some selfies with her $150k Birkin on the way out.


In LA, Khloé is back at Malika's house to see Lamar. Khloé admits that she didn't tell any of her sisters or Kris that she was planning to meet with him. Did we know that Khloé rented the house next to hers for Lamar to live in while he did his rehabilitation to learn how to walk and talk again? She doesn't say what she caught him doing in the house, just that he'd 'fallen into old behaviors' -- so drugs or prostitutes -- and she told him to leave and hasn't spoken to him since. Khloé reassures a visibly nervous Lamar that she's not going to rip into him. I actually got quite emotional when she handed over the items -- it was lovely of her to hold onto the items for so long ... I just wonder why she did.


Next time on The Kardashians:

Khloé rips into Lamar. Kourtney and Travis get a flat tire. Kim, Kendall and Kylie go to the Met Gala.