Maybe Thanos was right

I'm just done with this role, like 7/8 out of 10 games I can't play my champion pool cause people keep expecting Zac/Darius/J4 every single game, I hover Kindred they instalock a bruiser or a ranged top and a peel or a mage support rendering my champion useless.

I play mainly Kindred Mordekaiser and Graves, and lately is just unpleasant the amount of people that keep expecting you to take a tank or a cc champ, Mordekaiser is tanky yeah, but has no good and reliant cc other than the ult, which makes him not any better in those scenarios.

Anyways, I have to write an essay to untilt, so there you go.

Here is when the fun begins, the rant (don't take this seriously):

They make me pick the tank, which I'm okay doing sometimes, don't get me wrong, but they're not happy with that no, they make you useless by not dealing damage or running around to later take a picture with their willy out on your corpse with the caption "Damn me and my boys about to blast on this 🥵🔥"

Later our anime heroes arrive at drake with their brains bouncing in their cranium everytime they take a step making sounds like a maraca facechecking a bush pinging you with what little brain activity they have left cause you missed an ability after they kissed the wall with flash like it's the love of their life.

Then they write the poem "This Zac xD", modern poetry, Stairway to Heaven levels of lyricism, the best absolutely most lovable words anyone could ever read.

After this amazing display of brainpower the legends (league of legends, do you get it?... Ok enough) procceed to start taking your camps to buy the best quality items from the shop, the ones that U.GG provide for them like they're a programmed bot to follow the buildpath.

Ok, so they get the items, that's good isn't it? NO, IT'S NOT. Cause you're forced to see their gameplay, Doinb levels of gameplay... if he was playing with his erect pp instead of his hands ofc, and leaving you thinking if the money would've been spent better on dildos for their own plessure rather than items such as "Blade of the Ruined King for the tanks bro!" Vs 500 armor Rammus.

After taking everything you're left with 2 small raptors crying out for help after witnessing their entire family being murdered, so you make a Thanos cosplay and tell them "I'm sorry little ones" and act like a paid hitman to end the job to get 16 gold for your Bami's Cinder.

They put Samba De Janeiro on their loudspeakers syncing their maraca brains to the rythm to try and fight the enemy team with elder cause they can win with the power of friendship and anime superpowers, I hit a three man E with the Zac they told me to play, YASUO ULTS IN, THE GAME IS SAVED...

Then this people wake up from this lucid dream that made them harder than Diddy on a kindergarten, the enemy team ends the game and everyone says "Damn bro you're 5 levels behind" while cheering your Nami cause she's named "UwUGothGirl" and opening their wallets to gift this 45 year old man Star Guardian Lulu making you think this game really needs a Captcha or an IQ test on queue.

I'd rather drop 700 tiers in ranked into iron than deal with these absolute units ever again.