HELP ME with my Jung OBSESSED boyfriend!!

I dont mean for the title of my post to be so strong but I needed a little clickbait-y title

My(24) boyfriend(26) is a huge fan of Carl Jung, I personally haven't read or had heard of him prior to dating my boyfriend. I heard a lot of great things that my boyfriend has read, interpreted and applied to his own life, he refers to Yung's book as his bible and he really takes that very seriously. He feels like he is Jung reincarnate which is not a quote from him but it really is that deep. Carl Jung was what awakened his journey of self growth and finding himself. Along with that, he read a lot of other deep self help books and started journaling. We were best friends for 6 years before taking a two year break because he was just not a good and balanced person before Jung. After Jung he has had major improvement that I was impressed with but now? He is in the deepest pit he has ever been in and he says he feels so empty and he has been acting like a shell of himself for the past couple of months. This emptiness was a slow start but now it has came to a head and for the last month, he has not been able to show up as a partner at all. He has went from being a 'worship the ground you walk on' to a boyfriend that can't even tell me that he loves me without me saying it first. I dont mean for this post to be strictly about our relationship but I just really want to emphasize the switch up. He is extremely political and when I say he carries the weight of the world on his shoulders, I mean it. He wants to change the world... he wants to BE Jung, MLK, Fred Hampton, etc. and if he doesn't see steady progress of him achieving that he shuts down due to stress and feeling overwhelmed. Becoming that kind of figure is his ONLY passion. I tried to tell him that he needs to have more focuses and passions because that kind of pressure will either crush him or leave alone in life.I tried to suggest therapy to manage his stress but he says he doesn't need it, he journals or that his stress isn't that bad. As of yesterday, he ended our relationship and it's hard for me to process for a lot of different reasons but I want to know from you Jungians...

  1. Is there something in Jungs books that could resonate with him and hopefully open his eyes to see that while his passion is extremely important and necessary that he needs balance and more passions too?
  2. What would your advice be if you came across someone invested in Jung to THIS degree? Either advice for me or for him?
  3. Is any of how he feels, how you feel too? is this a Jung fan characteristic at all?
  4. Do you have any quotes or page and book references that would stand out or help?
  5. Anything else you feel is helpful.

P.S. I am not trying to change him but deliver insight that would really resonate with him. Right now, we are not in the same place and I am such a fighter for my loved ones but I can see that maybe this is the right choice for us right now. It is just.... so hard to process and understand. Please be kind, I hope this doesn't come across the wrong way.
