Kashimo is really strong

I like to call him a bum just like the next guy but this guy dominated an era without a CT.

Just basic glaze: Whem he fought Hakari, Hakari only landed hits which Kashimo had no reason to expect in such a manner. Like bro who expects to be kicked by someone who you just blew his arm off. Reacting to that punch after he blew his arm of is unirocanally one of the best reaction feats in the series.

H2H: Today I saw a video saying that, he is the the best H2H fighter in the series (not true cause gojo and sukuna) but he is a really close 3rd contender. Arguably he is as good in raw skill as sukuna in his 2 hand form but I would still give it to sukuna( by quite a bit but this raw glaze so shut up)

CE trait The sole reason he was the strongest in his era. This strike is busted. If he lands a few hits( he can cause he is good in h2h) his opponent most likely gets 1 shot. While JP hakari doesn't have good durability feats he should still have a decent one at least. These can't miss bolts straight up delete parts of hakari.

Kashimo is the 2nd coming of jogo. He quite litteraly fought one of the worst match ups in the series on the worst place (next to ocean) and a 4 arm sukuna