Jogo bails on reviving Sukuna and bets on his team, giving his 10 Sukuna Fingers to the Disaster Curses to consume for the Shibuya Incident. Now what?

Jogo decides to bet on himself and his cohort instead of placing all his stocks into Sukuna, giving all the disaster curses + Choso 2 fingers to consume. How do you think things play out from here?

For the scenario they consume two fingers each before Gojo is sealed but Gojo's sealing still takes place for the Shibuya Incident to occur like in the canon (all the disaster curses, including Hanami, are now two fingers stronger when they engage Gojo).

Following Gojo's sealing, canon fights can still occur but if you think any other fights happen in this scenario feel free to add on. Some obvious fights include:

Choso with 2F vs Yuji (kinda obvious how this goes)

Jogo with 2F vs 5F Sukuna (the sisters still give Yuji their finger and lets assume Yuji switches with Sukuna for some reason)

Dagon with 2F vs Nanami, Naobito, Maki, then Dagon with 2F vs Toji in the domain. If you think Toji and the others lose here, Megumi comes across Dagon afterward and pops Mahoraga immediately as a bonus round, so 2F Dagon vs Mahoraga

Mahito with 2F vs Yuji and Todo, and Mahito's 2F clone vs Nobara

Bonus Round: Kenjaku still really wants Idle Transfiguration to start the Culling Games, and decides to take on Mahito, Mahito arrogantly tells the other curses to let him handle Kenjaku alone. If you feel Mahito loses here with 2F, then the remaining team members jump Kenjaku 4v1.

If you think Mahito beats Kenjaku here then feel free to discuss any implications this could have on the rest of the story too. I know most of these fights are washes or just end the same as in the canon, but I think the idea of curses being attracted to and consuming Sukuna's fingers was unexplored outside the finger bearers.