I'm caught up and I feel empty

This story is just sad. Like, what is even the point of any of this, other than cool fights and rug pulls?

The closest thing I can think of, in terms of relentlessly interesting suspense that seems to work out to misery on top of misery and no catharsis, no meaning, and no satisfaction, are the webnovels by the author of Worm and JoJo's Part 5, and even those had more heart than this.

Like, I still want to know how it ends, somehow, but... I don't really care if Sukuna or Kenjaku win.

Maki didn't get to reform the Ze'in clan or show them up, she just exterminated it in a pointless orgy of mutual violence.

Sukuna just wants to eat people as his own particular way of dealing with boredom.

Kenjaku only wants to run mass human experiments for the same dumb-ass reason.

Most sorcerers do what they do for petty, hollow reasons like fulfilling dynastic family expectations, accumulating money, doing a good job... Then again, any authentic relationships that they develop tend to end abruptly and without warning when one of the parties dies or gets retired or is turned into a curse or some other fate worse than death.

So there's no long-term project, dream, ambition, relationship, or anything else, that you can invest in.

The bells of the Gion monastery in India echo with the warning that all things are impermanent.
The blossoms of the sala trees teach us through their hues that what flourishes must fade.
And none of y'all are an exception.

It's like watching a world competition in sandcastle-building.

Even the guys with interesting reasons for what they do, like the comedian... I honestly didn't quite get what their deal is.

And most of them, especially the stronger ones, seem to love to fight, grin like maniacs and run headlong into extreme danger for the chance to hurt someone else or to prove their mettle.

All in all, it's like Gojo said when describing being sealed: like a busy week at the office. It's over in an instant, but it leaves you drained and empty and you don't really feel like doing it again.