erlang shen = kala bhairav?
i'm i the only no notice this obviousy? if i where to say to you that this god had a trident, long black hair, a third eye on his forehead capable to differenciate truth from lies and shot a red laser beam, battle against the demons, and a black dog that follow him. if you're chinese this is obviously erlang-shen. but if you're a hindu, this is no doubt the description that fit the best for kala bhairav. as shiva's wife becamed kali when angery he become kala. as wukong is a copy of hanuman. was erlang a fictionus character copied on kala? if so when that this cultural exchange happened? they are still some few differences between the two. erlang is princess yaoji's son and jade emperor cousin if i'm correct. shiva is menber of a trinity where there is no god above them. erlang is not a god assosiated with time.