Finished filling this journal today.
If I could talk to the person who started this journal and tell her how we’d end it, I’d let her know how strong we are and that we got through it!
The second picture shows how many pages I wrote on in the last 4 months… it’s been a wild ride and somehow we persevere! It’s funny, sometimes I feel like I’m writing the same entry day after day, but then I look back and see the changes that have happened.
Is it normal to get a little emotional finishing a journal? I didn’t think I could get out of that relationship, I didn’t think I could move again, and then again. But somehow, page after page, as time passed and life kept going, my journal was there through it all and I filled it up! I now add this to my journal shelf filled with accomplishment, ready to finish my next one and keep on writing.
Also my favorite pen, Pilot G-2 10, maybe too thick and juicy for some, but I loveee it :).