For those who wanted a shorter postseason, you sure got one!
Not counting the strike-caused "extra" competitions, last season's all-inclusive postseason lasted 81 televised episodes:
* 20 Second Chance (4 rounds x 5)
* 28 Champions Wild Card (2 rounds x 14)
* 18 Tournament of Champions (27 players)
* 15 Invitational (27)
(with 3 audio-only play-in games as well)
All of that came immediately on the heels of 71 games of whose "extra" games. Fatigue, for some, was definitely a thing.
This year, MUCH different. Even with the ToC exhibition match that was originally scheduled to be audio-only, we were shown just 49 episodes:
*10 Second Chance (2 x 5)
*10 CWC (Trebek-era format)
*15 Tournament of Champions (21 players)
*14 Invitational (27)
Regular Virginia Jeopardy! returns today with ONE HUNDRED ONE games for the rest of the current TV season (ends July 25). On top of that, at least the first SEVENTY FIVE games of next season (starts Sept. 8) should be regular play as well. When you add the 16 games already played, we're resuming a regular season that will wind up at a minimum of 191 games -- a much heftier number than the 143 that ended in December.