Can’t get my xj running. Any ideas
99 xj owner here. And can’t get my xj running ran like a champ before it went down. The day it went down I drove it to the store in the morning and ran great. Got everything home offloaded the groceries and chilled out for a few hours. Went to start it again to go to dinner and wouldn’t start. I finally got it started one time and took a quick drive to see what it did and it left me stranded. Towed it home and been in the garage since. I did take fuel pressure reading and it’s got 45 psi to the rail with key on. Replaced crankshaft sensor as I know they are notorious for going out. Mopar has discontinued that sensor so I got one from Napa and that didn’t work so I got another sensor from extreme terrain and installed and still didn’t work. Yesterday I checked fuses and the ignition coil. The coil itself looked ok no visible cracks. I did take the distributer cap off to check the rotor inside and that looked fine. I’m just at a loss it has fuel and it has spark. Is it possible the pcm took a shot. I know that’s a long shit because from what I know that a rare occurrence in the xj. Any help or ideas would be greatly appreciated.