I'm about 5 months into jazz lessons, and even though I'm progressing, I feel like I'm in the "grinding" stage. Did anyone else feel like this?
I'm making a lot of progress. I'm playing basic jazz standards. Nothing crazy, but I'm getting through them. This part doesn't feel like a grind.
My teacher is giving me exercises the have me playing roots and sevenths in the LH and thirds in the RH. I also have to play melody notes on top of the third in the RH. I'm supposed to go through this pattern in all 12 keys through the 1-6-2-5 progression. This is where I feel like I'm grinding.
I'm also doing soloing exercises with just chord tones. All 12 keys. 1-6-2-5 progression. Same deal. Feels like a grind.
The exercises are definitely helping, but I've had to structure my practice time such that I only work on them in 10 to 20 minute blocks. They feel so monotonous that my brain turns to mush after too much longer. I really don't feel like this with the repertoire pieces. I can practice them for much longer.
I know that I'm building an important foundation, but is it always going to feel like this much of a grind? I'm hoping that 6 months from now, I'll be able to look back on what I'm doing now and say, "Man, I'm glad that I kept my head down and put in the work."