Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
What Is Jawline Gum?
Steel is a special type of mastic gum harvested from the Greek island Chios. It's 10x harder than regular gum and it doesn't get a stale taste after 10 minutes either. Plus you don't need 6 pieces to get a workout - 1 is enough for beginners!
How Does Chewing Jawline Gum Build Muscle?
Steel jawline gum is 10x tougher than regular gum. It's like a 200kg deadlift for reps. Regular gum is like curling a can of baked beans.
Grinding hard gum with you molar teeth stimulates your masseter muscle. It's the meaty part on the side of your jaw. It can be grown like any other muscle in your body, but it needs strong resistance (hard gum) and consistency (workout everyday).
How Long Until I See Results?
Most guys see results after 1 container. So after 30 workouts, about 60% of guys notice a few millimeters added to each side of their jaw.
Don't get me wrong, Steel Jawline Gum™️ isn't a miracle maker. Building any muscle isn't "easy". But if you've never trained your jaw, you have some "newbie gains" to look forward to. These come pretty quickly. But if you stick to it for a few months- you'll add some serious muscle.
Building the muscles in your jaw is the same as for any other muscle. Follow a solid routine and add weight as you get stronger. Steel Jawline Gum™️ is the only way to 'add weight' to your workout.
What Muscles Am I Building?
Mainly the masseter- the beefy muscle on the side of your jaw. It's the strongest muscle in your body for its weight. That's why it needs to be trained heavy. For an hour a day, everyday, for a few weeks. You just can't do that with those unnatural chewy rubber ball exercises.
Use the man filter on Snapchat. That's what happens to your jaw as your masseter grows. The secondary muscles trained are the temporalis and pterygoideus medialis muscles.
What Is The 30 Day Jawline Gum Challenge?
- Take a photo of you face from the front
- Get 1 month supply of Jawline Gum
- Chew for 30-60mins a day until you run out
- Take a new photo of your face from the front
- Share your transformation in the sub-reddit!
How Is Jawline Gum Different From Other Mastic Gum?
It's filtered to remove impurities. It's pleasant to chew like regular gum- just 10x harder. Most mastic gum are gritty and contain small impurities and fibres. These get stuck in your teeth and don't feel good on your teeth.
Jawline Gum comes in a sleek container that fits in your pocket and isn't embarrassing if someone sees it. The gum can be re-used, so there's a compartment for storing used gum (this isn't as gross as it sounds lel).