Anything wrong paying Tokyo level price to own a house in Kawasaki?
I have been in Japan for a few years, and I really like living in Kawasaki.
It's very close to Tokyo, but it is not as crowded as Tokyo.
I am considering owning a house (yes, I prefer a house than a mansion) and live here for long term.
After surveying the house prices, I realized that it is almost the same level as Tokyo. Some of them are even around 10% more expensive than remote Tokyo area,
When I talked to my friends about my plans, they all said I am crazy. Given that price level, I should buy houses in Tokyo instead. They said houses in Tokyo maintain values better than anywhere outside Tokyo.
Is it true? Given how close Kawasaki is to Tokyo (just a river walk away), I don't think houses will depreciate more drastically here than Tokyo.