Higher house purchase price in upcoming area vs more liquidity in farther area (Tokyo area)

Hi experts! I'm in the process of buying a house, I have a couple of things I really can't decide 100% about for lack of information and experience mostly. I've been looking at Meguro, Setagaya and all the way to Tachikawa and I have the feeling that new houses in Tokyo fall in 2 main categories: 1. Houses you will regret buying because of poor quality. Usually in the 60 to 80M yen. I am staying away from these as I can't really stand the idea of janka issues and poor overall building. 2. Houses you will pay above 140M: these are often made by good builders if you are outside the 23 wards (Daiwa, Toyota, Hebel) but you need to compromise the convenience (impossible in Meguro or Setagaya). Now, in this second category, I found a couple of nice Daiwa/Toyota buildings in the 10000万-12000万 on the Chuo (Tachikawa is my limit), but I can't figure if it's a good idea in terms of area, quality of the house and money. My gross salary without bonus and perks is in the upper 1600万 (with bonus I go in the 20s but I am conservative) and I am in my early 40s, so in my mind at 60years I need to repay or sell the house to avoid paying during retirement. After loan simulations, pre-approvals and expenses calculations I think I can financially do it without choking (I have savings and realistically I can dump bonus every other year to lower the burden) but I am struggling to understand if it makes more sense to invest more and have less liquidity buying in an area in demand like Kichijoji and resell if I want to move into a smaller place for retirement, or target a smaller, farther station like Musashi Koganei (or Tachikawa) which is potentially less lucrative and harder to sell, but with more liquidity for other investments for retirement. I read quite a bit of topics and I have a general opinion but I am trying to figure out if I am missing something macro in the whole picture. Thanks a lot!

P.S. Am I right with the price range of new houses in Tokyo or completely off? I have a friend who flips houses who told me to stay away from anything new below 100M