Update kind of? Apology was given, BUT…
***Edited to add message that SO initially sent to MIL
So if you are familiar with my previous posts, things with my MIL went sideways while I was in labor and after I gave birth. Reading those previous posts may provide more context to tie everything all together, so I am going to jump right into current events so that this doesn’t become a novel.
MIL has incessantly been asking SO when she can come over to visit and “give us and LO our Christmas gifts”, alongside with sending me the same automated message a few times over the last week of “We miss and love you guys”. She then began going into SO’s place of employment and was crocodile tearing while trying to get him to agree to a visit.
SO ended up sending MIL a message, not too short but not too long either, pretty much explaining a main point to her so that it wouldn’t get lost in translation. About 5 short paragraphs long but he summarized it to being about the fact that she made my labor about her feelings and that he still feels guilty and flat out terrible that he put her feelings and wants over what his wife truly needed while giving birth and postpartum. He also slipped in how we didn’t appreciate the several occasions of her asking SO questions pertaining to her “babysitting” LO etc. when I would leave the room in our own home. Also keep in mind that SO not only spoke with FIL numerous occasions about everything, but also briefly explained to both IL’s at the same time what they did and how it has negatively affected me.
She either genuinely doesn’t understand the full extent of how her actions have made me feel, or she must think if she musters up enough of a convincing apology that it will result in visiting with LO in the near future.
Maybe I'm overthinking this, but her response just feels like deflection. And the part where she says she thought we used the holidays as an "excuse" because I was mad at her? That irritates me because SO and I both decided we weren't having LO around any family during that time. We weren't singling her out, we were protecting LO from boundary stompers who refuse to take basic hygiene seriously around a baby. And I would like to add that I genuinely lost count of how many times I myself and SO specifically told MIL that I did NOT want anyone around other than SO while I was in labor.
Am I reading too much into her message? And how do l even respond? Because at this point, I have no idea how to reply without flat-out calling her out on her bullshit and making things worse.
Here is the message that SO sent to MIL:
I know that everyone in the family has been through a lot lately. I feel like you and me have never really known how to talk to each other about anything serious. I’ve also never put much value on how I feel about anything. This is in no way a personal attack on you.
OP is hurt by the way things went with LO’s birth. It seemed like the focus was on you and you getting to see LO ASAP instead of the priority being OP’s comfort/state of well being, where it should have been. I thought with you having been through childbirth multiple times that you would have been more understanding or empathetic to her being in a vulnerable state.
I’m partially to blame because I kept responding to texts and answering my phone after I repeatedly told you that I would call you when we were ready for you all to come. I also prioritized getting you over to our house as soon as we got home instead of giving OP a chance to relax.
It seemed like whenever you had a question about OP returning to work or you watching LO you would only ask me whenever she had left the room and you’d be whispering about it. I feel like the only time you really spoke to her over here was to ask if you could hold him. That doesn’t make her feel like you want any sort of relationship with her.
No one is happy about the way things are right now and no one wants to keep you from seeing LO. I feel like if you would apologize to OP it would help a great deal. It would probably help if you would not send the same automated sounding messages to her when you do text her. That comes across like you’re doing it because you have to, not because you actually want to talk to her.
I know that this is a lot to send at one time but if things are not addressed then it will probably keep prolonging the way things have been. We love you and want to have a good relationship but I can’t make OP ignore her feelings and this isn’t something that time will make better
Annnnnnd here's her response to ME:
“——-, I'm really sorry. We have been waiting for SO to let us know when we could come over. SO would always say he was working on it, and you were afraid of LO getting sick. SO never told me you were upset with me until this past Thursday. I love you very much,
When I had my babies, people were in the room as soon as I got out of the recovery room.
I was so excited since you said we could be with you both. We were in the waiting room for 5 hrs, with a lot of other people, and they were going to see their babies. They saw us still sitting there and would ask us about LO, assuming LO wasn't here yet.
The only reason I asked SO about babysitting is that I know how hard it is to go back to work when you have a baby.
It has been a crazy time over the last 8 months with everything that has happened.
We love all of you very much. Please, please forgive me.
We would love to come see all of you as soon as you are ready. I have all of the Christmas presents from our family to bring over
I love you very much, ——-.”