Am I the only one who feels this way…

Can we please respect his marriage and not romanticize #that lady and #that situation. Please. If need be, start another subreddit. I’m not interested in seeing anything that would potentially be disrespectful to him or his wife or his son. I respect and understand reminiscing but there are certain things that shouldn’t under this specific subreddit. Like if his previous dating life is brought up that’s completely fine it’s supposed to be fun, but romanticizing a specific relationship—extremely unhealthy one at that, isn’t ok. (In any situation actually) You don’t have to love his wife, but if you consider yourself a fan and/or a Belieber, you should be able to respect his decisions. She’s someone that’s been there for him especially the past couple of years and has motivated him and supported him. It’s pretty admirable because she’s been in a very tough spot being compared to his past situation lol… like I could not imagine.

Also if you’re on Twitter, you already know how tiring it is with #those fans lol (please know I’m not attacking anyone.. just wanted to discuss.. bc I do feel like I’m alone in this) (FYI I really like Hailey and looooove Rhode products, I just don’t care for the fact that she hangs out with the Kar-Jenners bc I don’t like them lol—beautiful women, though.)