What's a JRPG with tons of fan hype, but you struggle to get into?
For me it's Xenoblade Chronicles Definitive Edition and Trails in the Sky FC.
I enjoyed both of them, but just thought they were okay by the end. I got really tired of Xenoblades combat by the end. It felt like I just kept spamming the same strategy Enel suggested. So maybe that's on me. But really, without it, I felt like the combat system wasn't clicking with me other than break and topple. The story was top tier though. It makes me consider replaying and engaging more with it this time around.
With Trails FC it was just such a slow burn. And any tension is taken out of the ending for me when I know the interpersonal drama between Joshua and Estelle will be resolved by the sequel. I loved the characters, ESPECIALLY Estelle. And their interpersonal drama and interactions. But I wasn't exactly going on blind to Joshua and Estelle's story, so that cliffhanger at the end just didn't motivate me as much to jump into the sequel. Also, it's availability only on PC was bummer. I don't like playing on my ancient laptop. I'm hoping that I can enjoy the remake more when it finally comes out.
What about you all? What are some JRPGs that get tons of hype, but for whatever reason you either think are just "okay" or even downright don't like?