The top 120 most beloved JRPG games from backloggd website, ranking based on the percentual number of perfect user scores the games got. The higher the number of 10/10, the higher the position on the list.

edit: LIST UPDATED (v3) for the last time, changed positions based on new scores and added new games mentioned by the comments.

Hey /jrpg fans! I'm reposting the list because the last one was breaking the rules, hope everything is right now.

I've made this list for some different reasons:

  • to help beginners in the jrpg genre to know which games are the most beloved by their own community and franchise;
  • to understand which games have the higher number of perfect scores (10 outta 10), for example, of all user reviews from the backloggd site for Chrono Trigger, 50.7% are 10s! This probably mean that the game does something right, be it gameplay, story, or any other thing; this will depend on the game though and some are loved for different reasons;
  • to give another perspective on the discussion, we have lists of most important jrpgs, most popular ones, highest scores from critics or users, so, why not one for the most loved jrpgs based on the perfect score they get?;
  • this let older niche titles get some love, you don't see panzer dragoon saga or lunar games in top jrpg lists, right? But people that played them know how amazing they are;
  • this prevent polarizing games to have super high positions, for example, final fantasy 8 or xenoblade chronicles 2, but they will still be on the list at good positions as they have their loyal fans.

I hope you like it, it was a ton of work to compare data and organize the list, if there's any game that you would like to see it in there, comment below! Just remember that I tried to put games that had at least 500 number of player register, I probably forgot something, there's too many great jrpgs!

Have fun playing them, the list can be found on the images below, comment on them and tell me what did you expect to see at the top:










#15-01: Mother 3 leads with 56.2% of perfect 10/10 scores; then Trails to Azure (52.4%); Chrono Trigger (50.7%); Persona 5 Royal (49.5%); and Metaphor ReFantazio (47.9%).

edit: updated some positions and added some games that I missed as pointed by people in the comments, thank you for making the list better! I've made it into a top 150 for now, this should be enough to have many major games from different jrpg franchises.