My classmates make fun of me

My classmates call me Retarded

Sometimes act dumb jokingly in front of my classmates to make them laugh but some of them think I am mentally insane and call me autistic and say I look retarded. Even while calling me normally they don't say my name and call me as autistic and everytime the teacher calls my name they laugh at me. Even ignoring this my classmates are annoying as hell, they hit my balls, pull my shirt from behind and gossip while the teacher is teaching,i smile in front of them and act like it doesn't bother me but it does so very much .i try to be kind to everyone and even let them borrow my pen and other things and sometimes they don't even return it. Even my closest friends degrade the shit out of me, Because of this bullying , I became irregular to my coaching centre don't to go to college at all i once skipped going to college for 3weeks and my mom cried to me several times asking what happened to me and why I'm scoring less but I just didn't know what to say to her. I am ugly ngl one guy even said straight to my face "why do you look so bad?" .I even score less in the weekend tests scoring single digit marks in each subject and sometimes scoring double digit negative marks ,I think I would easily be able to crack jee since during the starting months I was scoring good marks but suddenly my marks plummeted due to not studying and staying at my home and being a shut and I studied like 20 hours in the whole year ,this even happened in 10th but at a much smaller scale, since ,schools are generally more accepting and diverse. should I change my coaching Institute? My Institute itself is good, teaching staff is top notch but I fear if I go to a new one the same thing might repeat and if they are not as good as my old Institute it would br dropping out of a nice Institute to a bad one with the same bullying. And if I don't go to college I wont study at all I need to bring taught by someone or I can't learn and will just procrastinate in my house. i can just ignore all the Bullying at first but it gets to my head afterwards. I just want to conclude saying, pls be conscious about opening up to your friends, either they will open up to you back or make a fucking fool out of you. Next year I am getting more marks than all of those fuckers and when some of them fail jee, I am making fun of all of them.