ATTENTION! Application Data of ALL JEE 2025 Candidate is leaked.
So we are it again,
Vishwaguru in privacy and security.
NTA did its contribution in open-source by not securing data of more than a million candidates (1396144 to be exact) , making it accessible to everyone.
- What has been leaked?
A. Everything in the application form.
i.e Application number, Name (including parent's), Category, Gender, DOB, Class 10th-12th Details, IP of device you used for the registration etc.
Personal Details of Candidates
There's also a zip file containing photos of every candidate tho it's password protected, God knows how strong it is.
Zip containing everyone's photo (allegedly)
- What can i do?
A. Well, Nothing except bringing attention of officials ASAP before the malice actors use it for not so nice purposes.