Guys aspirant here I'm planning to join IITM this year so i have some questions to ask, info about me:male, dropper, category: OBC PWD (but I'm "NOT" using any fake certificates❌ I'm geniune PWD✅ but my disability can be only seen via x-ray)

So my questions are

  1. are there any discrimination against PWD students as they are the one who scored lowest marks in advanced among all category so do they face any discrimination by professors and fellow students (friends making)?

  2. In future I want to do my own startup(not so technological one but a general one like Swiggy not exactly like Swiggy but a startups that doesn't require more technological knowledge)so how is the startup culture at IIT Madras (no don't get me wrong here I mean how is it compared to IIT Bombay or IIT Delhi) because IIT Bombay and IIT Delhi tops the startups in terms of total number and unicorn numbers and people say that Bombay and Delhi are better, madras doesn't have that much great startup culture compared to Bombay and Delhi tbh I don't know how much true is this so I'm asking you guys how's the actual scenrio for startups aspirants in IIT Madras?

  3. I also have an idea doing higher studies abroad (MS/MBA) probably in US so the Us Universities (ivy leagues and normal) differentiate between top 5 old IITs like first they give preference to Bombay next Delhi next Madras then Kanpur so on or they treat all top 5 IITs equal I am asking this because usually in world University ranking first comes Bombay, Delhi then comes Madras so the US universities (ivy leagues and normal universities) follow same hierarchy among top 5 IITs while admitting students for MS/MBA or treat all the top 5 IITs equally while admitting students for MS/MBA(yes particularly I'm asking about US universities)?

  4. I have heard that the academic workload is very highest and hectic in Madras among top 5 IITs whereas Bombay and Delhi the academic workload is very less and students get a lot of free time and the attendance policy in Madras is 85% students don't get free time in Madras to pursue their passion or extra curriculars as they care about attendance very strictly more academics in Madras whereas in Bombay, Delhi the attendance policy is 75% aslo heard that Bombay, Delhi don't care about attendance very much as compared to Madras, so Bombay and Delhi are very lenient about attendance tbh i don't know much true is this so asking you guys about how is academic and personal life balance in Madras compared to as that in Bombay and Delhi?

  5. I am sure that I would definitely "NOT" take top branches (AI, CS, EE) because I cannot afford those top branches (CS AI EE) with the rank that i would get in(I'm 100% sure) so I'm sure that I'm only taking lower branches only so I want to know which branch apart from the top ones I mentioned has the least workload so I can get more free time so I can pursue my passion and extra curriculars Asking you guys because you know by exact scenario of all branches? (Note: placements are "NOT important" for me i want least workload and more free time)

  6. I also wanted to know about 5 year integrated dual degree BTech+MTech, are there any advantages for startups aspirant by choosing dual degree and do US universities differentiate between dual degree students and BTech students while admitting in MS/MBA if they differentiate who gets advantage or they treat both dual degree and BTech equally and are there any advantages for startups entrepreneurship aspirants if they choose dual degree or one should choose dual degree only if they are not getting BTech?

  7. If i choose Mtech dual degree in josaa can i exit with only BTech like how IISERs allow exit with BS degree is it same in IIT (Madras specifically) or is it compulsory to do MTech?

  8. vice versa if i choose "BTech" in josaa can i do MTech (either in different branch or same branch as BTech) "without" appearing gate and interview, by only using BTech CGPA if yes will i get two degrees for BTech and MTech separately or single degree aslo what is the duration is it same 5 years like dual degree students or regular 4+2 = 6 years?

  9. If i choose MTech dual degree in josaa what will be mentioned in my degree certificate "Dual Degree MTech in abc" or "Mtech in abc" or "dual degree BTech in abc and MTech in efg" or simply "Dual degree in abc" or "BTech and MTech in abc" and will i get two separate degree certificates or single certificates if choose dual degree in josaa? (Might seem silly but i want to know everything so I'm asking you seniors)

  10. companies which come for placements differentiate among BTech and dual degree students if yes who gets advantages or they treat both dual and BTech degree same?

11.which branch is best for getting more CGPA apart from top ones (CS, EE, AI) ?

  1. Do Companies care about JEE (mains and advanced) rank I'm asking this because some people are a saying that in IITs some companies particularly big giants(eg: samsung and one constultancy company i don't remember the name) even some normal companies give very much importance to JEE rank in placements tbh I don't it's true or not so asking you guys will JEE advanced rank plays any role during placements?

  2. Last but not least is there relative grading or normal grading at IIT Madras?

Note: please give honest answers and don't be biased towards IIT Madras