How can i manage self study and school?
Ok so first of all, please do not recommend me to opt for non-schooling
I really want to join this school but i am kinda failing to manage self study hours And also,gym isnt a hobby but a habit so its not going out of my routine Here is my daily routine (monday to friday) School 6-12.30 :- 6.5 hours Travelling: - 1 hrs each Total school time :- 8.5 hours Tuition:- 4.5 hours(except on Wednesday=no tuition) Gym :- 1 hour Sleep :- 8 hours
Now after adding all of this,i will only get 1-2 hours of self study time I know that study hours dont matter ,it matters how much you study
But i have one solution to manage, In weekends if i would study for Like 10-12 hours and on Wednesday (tuition ki chutti) I would also have 4.5 hours vacant So if we would add total weekly study hour,it would be :- 32.5 Now i will be starting class 11 from May But i will start my jee prep from april I just wanted to ask,by this way Will i be able to manage my self-study ? Also if i would be able to finish like 1-2 hours worth of self study task in school maybe