I think BL saw herself in Lily

I am not excusing anyone’s behavior before I start this off! Just trying to get into their psyche and theorize. I think BL is in a relationship similar to Ryle and Lilys. I think that’s what RR became obsessed and had to see the dailies. He was paranoid what Blake was going to say or realize her self. I also think that’s why she was a control freak about it all also and bulldozed over everything to get her way.

There was a moment someone asked her at the premiere about Lily being a victim. And BL said she’s more than that she’s a daughter mother and sister… lily is not a sister I think she’s talking about herself and that is why she is so almost defensive when people ask her about DV. Don’t get me wrong I think she’s a narcissist also and a lot of her behavior is mind bogglingly self centered.