Zionist Palestiniens (or at least anti hamas)

I am looking all over the internet looking for zionist palestinines , or at least anti hamas palestinines coming out and i see a few going after hamas and saying they are a terrible organisation and should be stopped, but for some reason the palestinins actually living in palestine seem to still vote in majority for hamas , why is there such high support sentiment for the opressors?
why dont we see more palestinines going against hamas like we see lebanese going against hizbulla?

even bukele , a well known palesinien putting things in perspective on twitter sees whats going on:

"As a Salvadoran with Palestinian ancestry, I'm sure the best thing that could happen to the Palestinian people is for Hamas to completely disappear.

Those savage beasts do not represent the Palestinians.

Anyone who supports the Palestinian cause would make a great mistake siding with those criminals.

It would be like if Salvadorans would have sided with MS13 terrorists, just because we share ancestors or nationality.

The best thing that happened to us as a nation was to get rid of those rapists and murderers, and let the good people thrive.

Palestinians should do the same: get rid of those animals and let the good people thrive.

That's the only way forward."