Anyone who can only see one side of the conflict is THE PROBLEM.

If you can only see one side, YOU are the problem. Your willful BLIND SPOTS to the other point of view are the problem.

If you can't see that Hamas' mass murder and terrorism are a problem, YOU are the problem.

If you can't see that Netanyahu's illegal occupation, settlements, and insane levels of mass murder and terrorism are a problem, YOU are the problem.

If you don't admit both sides have committed war crimes, YOU are the problem.

If you whitewash all the atrocities by Netanyahu, YOU are the problem.

If you whitewash all the atrocities by Hamas, YOU are the problem.

If you think Netanyahu attacking civilians is OK, then YOU are the problem.

If you think Hamas attacking civilians is OK, then YOU are the problem.

If you don't know that Hamas is vastly worse choice than other leaders like the Palestinian Authority, then YOU are the problem.

If you don't know that Netanyahu spent years propping up Hamas instead of letting them wither and die, and if you don't blame him for that and for being a vastly worse choice than other leaders, then YOU are the problem.

If you support criminal defendant Netanyahu in power instead of a non-criminal, non-warmonger, YOU are the problem.

If you support Hamas in power instead of a non-criminal, non-warmonger organization, YOU are the problem.

If you don't think the state of Israel has a right to exist, YOU are the problem.

If you don't think the Palestinians have the right to a state, YOU are the problem.

If you have no sympathy for the suffering of the Israelis, but only the Palestinians, YOU are the problem.

If you have no sympathy for the suffering of the Palestinians, but only the Israelis, YOU are the problem.

If you cannot see the Palestinians as human and suffering, YOU are the problem.

If you cannot see the Israelis as human and suffering, YOU are the problem.

If you are unwilling to let go of your JUSTIFIABLE anger over atrocities, YOU are the problem.

If you are unwilling to do the hard work and admit THE OTHER SIDE HAS A POINT, TOO. then YOU are the problem.

If you are unwilling to GET OVER YOURSELF and allow the other side to have a state with peace and dignity, YOU are the problem.

The solution is for everyone to admit their side is WRONG and the other side has the right to exist. Anyone who will not do that is the problem.

Yes, I am talking to you. Can you stop your willful blind spots long enough to really see from the other point of view?