Seriously, stop with the “genocide” claims.
The definition of genocide is:
“the deliberate killing of a large number of people from a particular nation or ethnic group with the aim of destroying that nation or group.”
There are many prominent figures repeating again and again that Israel is committing genocide. It’s actually disgraceful. It’s an insult to the many genocides that have actually occurred in the last 50 years that no one cares about or even knows of.
Let me explain why the genocide claims are not true.
Israel has no stated intention of committing genocide. The genocidal statements of some Israeli governments officials and representatives are not evidence of stated intention. They’re just a few peoples edgy opinions that are not carried out in a tangible way.
Approximately 60,000 Palestinians have died since 1948, and most of the deaths have been during war periods. This averages out to about 800 per year. For reference, the Nazis killed about 1.5 million Jews per year between 1941 and 1945.
The Palestinian population has gone up 4x since 1948. And the Gazan population has doubled since 2000.
Israel have Gaza back in 2005. If they were hell bent on genocide, why would they do that.
Israel supplies Gaza with free water and electricity (until recently). A very strange thing to do if you are wanting to commit genocide.
Israel provides Palestinians with jobs and income. Another peculiar thing to do if one’s intent is to commit genocide.
Israel has tried to offer the Palestinians their own state that they can have autonomy over. A very very ridiculous thing to do if you wanted to eradicate a nation or group of people.
Israel provides humanitarian aid to Gazans. Furthermore, Israel built and funded a lot of the infrastructure in Gaza in the 80s and 90s to prop it up and promote health services. Weird for a genocidal country to do that.
Death toll =/= genocide. Yes, understanding 10,000 plus Gazans have died, is not evidence of genocide. You must understand why and how they have died. Did America commit genocide against the Japanese, Iraqis, Afghans and Germans? Did England commit genocide against the Germans, Turks and Italians? No of course not. They were fighting and the unfortunate result was loss of civilians life. That is not evidence of genocide.
Yes, I’m sure you can point to a few people in the Israeli government who have said some not so smart things about solving the Palestine issue. And you can also point to bad apples in the IDF who have acted out of line and been disciplined for it. However, this is not evidence of genocide. You actually have to commit genocide to be accused of genocide. I’m also referring to Raz Segal, Owen Jones and Norman Finkelstein. Their claims are ridiculous, especially coming from University professors and I urge them to look at the many other genocides that have actually occurred and study those to understand what an actual genocide looks like.