Tying hair up in Nablus village?
Has anyone ever heard of having heard of women visiting Palestinian villages being asked to tie their hair up? This happened to me near Nablus. At first my friend a university colleague said nothing. But 3 months after meeting her she asked me to put on a veil when we went to her inlaws house. I'm not muslim by the way. Then 9 months later she asked will you do us a favour. Will you tie your hair up. I asked why . She wouldn't answer only that it's better. Two years ago I went back because I had to get my belongings. Do you want to tie your hair up to prevent the wind from blowing it away. Thars for ne to decide We went out around the village and I noticed she seemed to want to show me off. She wanted me to surprise a former student of mine who I hadn't seen for years to call to his home. And in an ice cream shop the owner sat down. However a group of Americans came to visit women with their husbands. She didn't ask them to tie their hair up. I was so uncomfortable even more so when she sent messages about bags she liked and wanted to know how many rooms there were in my house and who lived there I wrote and told her the friendship was over. Am I being unreasonable?