Urgent Rishta Advice Needed 😭

Parents took me to see this lady for marriage rishta. Am gentleman type person, no smoking type.

When I met her it is love at first sight.

Very beautiful and shy. Completely my type, like hot influencer models I follow. She can cook and clean very good.

We have dinner with them. Suddenly my stomach make upset feeling. Don’t know why.

I go to their bathroom and release tension. Maybe am just nervous. She is very attractive. Never had dirty thoughts like this before.

I finish. I try to use water, no water. Am scared. I try to flush, no water. Am more scared.

I get up and go to sink. Finally some water. Don’t know how to flush… I scoop water in my hands and pour on it. No difference. Tried many times. No difference.

Am scared. It is very big and my hands are very small. You can imagine.

I have tissue in my pocket and put on top of the disaster. Don’t know what to do.

I came out. Say I have work emergency and we left quickly.

Am scared. They will find out soon and tell my parents. Don’t know what to do…