I just need some advice or validation. Quite literally anything
I (20F) got a hormonal IUD when I was 18. from that point on every month on my cycle starting from the very month I got the iud I experienced UTI symptoms. I was going to the doctor monthly and they were aware that sometimes it was an actual UTI with bacteria and sometimes it wasn’t. This continued for 9 months and 9 flares later I realize it maybe had to do with my IUD. (they were also on my menstrual cycle each month like clockwork)
I quickly got the IUD out, and got prescribed urabel from my urologist. I went months feeling great and within a year and a half only had one or two very minor flares.
These past couple months I started experiencing pain with sex and that shot some red flags up for me. No uti, just painful sex. August right on my menstrual cycle I get the worst flare I have ever had. I was debilitated for days and more mentally frustrated than anything. I got prescribed antibiotics to help (I just went to an urgent care because it was so bad I thought it maybe was an actual bacterial uti). low and behold it wasn’t and I struggled bad for about two weeks.
Now this month once again, it flares on my cycle. I am so frustrated because I don’t want to have sex out of fear of a flare and pain, I only drink water and struggle without caffeine in fear of a flare, and i’m so mentally exhausted from this reality that once a month I have to experience this on top of my other period symptoms.
The urabel doesn’t work much anymore so I need some suggestions. Is it worth going to a urologist again for some other alternatives? i’m desperate for a solution and can’t imagine dealing with this the rest of my life