Farmers is killing me lol

So Im working at farmers, so far its been okay.

The only issue I have is not making my quota.

And I don’t think Im a good sales person. Maybe its me. But for some reason. I can’t get a sale. If its clearly a better price and coverage than thats easy.

But I can’t sell anything when farmers and the companies working with them, are always 100 dollars and more higher.

Very rarely can i get a quote thats under 100 dollar difference. And when I do. Its only when I match apples to apples. (Before yall say anything, i do it to see what benefits I can add to their policy or change).

I do training. I do scripts. I learn the product. But the sales aren’t being made. And Idk what to do. Because my agency owner is lowering my salary when i don’t mean quota now. And Im starting to lose drive.

Edit: also, its not like im not trying. I try to do alot of quotes a day. But its not my fault people don’t people or reply. I go every week to visit businesses, I attend training every week. I listen and take notes on calls and meetings. I made facebooks to target my ethnicity. I try to avg 100 calls a day.