State Farm Team Members & Agents - What are your daily goals/expectations? Compensation?
Just curious how others are compensated and what their goals/expectations are. I'm an agent team member in the North East.
Our compensation structure is as follows:
$35k/yr base + 6% of all monthly sales over $10k once 10k premium is met. So the equation is (Total monthly premium-10k)*.06 = monthly commission. We also receive 15 days of PTO + most holidays & birthday off.
Our daily goals are 10 quotes completed and 40 outbound phone calls.
Annual goals are 180 auto, 180 fire, 24 health & 50 life.
How does this compare to yours or your team's compensation and daily/yearly goals?
Thank you!
EDIT: Should mention our team member setup. We have one person focused on only service. One person who is the "office manager" (mainly sales, but has to step in for complex issues and deals with agent putting random nonsense on her plate). One person who does training with the team and focuses on complex service issues (2-3 days/wk). The agent who does little to nothing with sales or service. Agent's wife who comes when she feels like it and does some service work. Then, myself who is primarily sales, but sometimes I help with simple service (payments, replacements, COI requests, etc) if they're overloaded.