Deactivated due to fake reports


I got deactivate due to a report claiming that I haven't delivered a customer order. I always take pictures, even when the customer come outside to grab the groceries and I always attach the picture in the chat. I'm not a bad shopper, I've been delivering for 5 years and I have done dozen of orders already. I don't know what to do. The email say I can dispute, but how do I dispute without knowing what customer claimed that I haven't delivered? This is so unfair!!!


I got deactivate due to a report claiming that I haven't delivered a customer order. I always take pictures, even when the customer come outside to grab the groceries and I always attach the picture in the chat. I'm not a bad shopper, I've been delivering for 5 years and I have done dozen of orders already. I don't know what to do. The email say I can dispute, but how do I dispute without knowing what customer claimed that I haven't delivered? This is so unfair!!!