Whos the real hero?(Marco and ponman spoilers)
Pp ajesh is a far better gray hero than marco.
Yes fight me on this
First of all marco came to avenge his brother and got his family killed in the process, got duped by the villain gang, got his fiance killed even after promised her i won't let u die and he asks 'ninakku vedanikkunnondo?' to his friend whos bleeding due to his body part cutoff by a freaking chainsaw, he promises his enemy who killed his entire family a punishment worse than death and he don't deliver
Now lets talk about pp ajesh. He had nothing, he built his entire fortune own his own, he Said he will take his pon and he took his pon back, not by stealing, not by manipulation just sheer perseverance. He don't cry when he's dealt a bad Deck of hands, he fixes his messes while helping a brother who's a loser get a job all while his credibility and entire livelihood is in danger(and this is the man who caused all this). He respects neri, he has the guts to boo the guy whos a feet taller than you and well built after hes stabbed by him. Physically he has no chance of winning still he dares.respects women. And on top of all that he delivers what he promises. Now tell me who's the better man. (If Downvotes are what i am going to get , i am ready to die on this hill)